Wilhelm von Humboldt

  • 网络威廉·冯·洪堡;洪堡
Wilhelm von HumboldtWilhelm von Humboldt
  1. University education is thought to foster research-typed talent at least since Wilhelm von Humboldt .


  2. The intellectual milieu of Wilhelm von Humboldt 's linguistic theory


  3. In history , the ideal of combining instruction and research advocated by Wilhelm Von Humboldt in the 19th century has not been realized completely .


  4. And syntax uses another neat trick , this is defined by Wilhelm von Humboldt as the " Infinite use of finite media . "


  5. As early as the 18 ~ ( th ) century , Wilhelm Von Humboldt pointed out that , the language was the infinite exploitation to the limited means . It was a creative activity ( Robin , 1987 ) .
